Saturday, June 30, 2007

Final Garden Update

This looks like my final garden update, I'm passing the torch to my host family and the women's committee to carry on my hard work and nutritional expertise. Tapu and Ma'anima will do the weeding and maintenance and Afegogo will work on the crops. I've never seen cucumber grow so fast, it has run up the fence I made over it (below). I am writing about this from back in the states with some lag time because the last thing I wanted to do as I was getting ready to leave was update my blog. I tried to take it all in. Recently, I talked to my host-family and they told me that the cucumbers are already coming in large. Hopefully my host brothers will continue to work on it, actually I'm hoping that my host parents make them maintain it. Once they see what yield they can get I think it will motivate them more.

Check out that bok-choy! It grows like a weed! The only downside is that the bugs like it as much as I do. Left of center is some heady cabbage that is coming in nicely, although I may have stunted it's growth by not transfering it soon enough. Only time will tell.

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